Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Inquiry Based Activity

       The Inquiry Based Activity (IBA) was by far my favorite activity in TPTE.  Not only was I to connect my technological knowledge of finding a website, but I had to make my own worksheet.  This activity showed me how to be creative when creating an assignment for my future classroom.  Of course I knew that there were standards that various classrooms used when assigning work, but this assignment allowed me to locate these standards.  By finding these standards and the textbook I acquired, I was easily guided into what to do for the IBA.  Although it did take me time to think of what to do for my IBA, the instructions were broad, but thorough enough for me to follow along.    If in the future, if I have to teach 3rd grade math, I will definitely use the worksheet I created for my IBA.

Here is a link to my IBA assignment:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Working with WebQuests turned out to be a very useful tool that I will definitely use in my future classroom.  My favorite part of using Webquests was actually searching for one that I might use in the future.  I found these activities interesting because I never knew a tool like this existed.  Using Webquests would be a great way to incorporate technology and learning in a classroom.  I am a big advocate for having interactive learning, and Webquests make it a great way to do this.  The Webquests that I found would be useful in a kindergarten classroom because it helps the child learn about the alphabets (  Overall, using Webquests was a very enjoyable experience and I will continue to work with using these in the future.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Website Evaluation

     I feel that this website evaluation activity was very useful.  Not only did we learn how to evaluate a website, but we learned why it is useful.  Since technology is such an integral part of today's society, teachers need to know how to use the web correctly, so we can educate students about it.  I thought the activity was very thorough, and contained some information I would not have thought to look for when evaluating a website.  For one, when I search websites on the web, I don't always look for credibility, but this assignment showed me that it should be an important thing to search for.  Also, connecting the website to the target audience is another important aspect.  In the future, I do see myself paying more attention to the information on various websites.  In order to give a child correct information from a website, the teacher first has to understand it.  By researching the material on a given website, this will ensure that the teacher is giving the correct information to the student.  Overall, this was a very informative assignment.

Monday, September 10, 2012

About me!

      Hello! My name is Aneisha Boddie.  I was born and raised in Memphis Tennessee.  I graduated from Wooddale High school in 2009 where I ranked number 5 in my class.  Now,  I am a senior at The University of Tennessee majoring in Psychology with an Elementary Education minor.  I will be interning the 2013-2014 school year with the Urban/Multicultural cohort.  In the near future, I want to become a Kindergarten or 1st grade teacher.  I LOVE working with children, so it's only natural that I want to become a teacher.  I love learning new things, so I want the opportunity to teach children new things as well!

       In my spare time, I love to spend time with my friends, family and boyfriend.   There is never a dull moment coming from such a large family! We always have fun when we're together whether it be having game nights on the weekend or our annual summer vacation to Disneyworld!  I LOVE everything about Disney!  I also love to cook and bake; I especially enjoy finding new recipes on Pinterest or watching the Food Network.

  Since this is a technology course, I have a few expectations in what I want to learn.  I have already learned some useful tools such as creating this blog as well as a website!  This is my first time working on an Apple computer, so I am already learning every class new things.  I also want to learn some techniques that I can use in my future classroom since I know technology will be a major component of it.  I would already consider myself a little tech savvy, but hopefully this course will expand my technological knowledge!