Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Website Evaluation

     I feel that this website evaluation activity was very useful.  Not only did we learn how to evaluate a website, but we learned why it is useful.  Since technology is such an integral part of today's society, teachers need to know how to use the web correctly, so we can educate students about it.  I thought the activity was very thorough, and contained some information I would not have thought to look for when evaluating a website.  For one, when I search websites on the web, I don't always look for credibility, but this assignment showed me that it should be an important thing to search for.  Also, connecting the website to the target audience is another important aspect.  In the future, I do see myself paying more attention to the information on various websites.  In order to give a child correct information from a website, the teacher first has to understand it.  By researching the material on a given website, this will ensure that the teacher is giving the correct information to the student.  Overall, this was a very informative assignment.

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