Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Inquiry Based Activity

       The Inquiry Based Activity (IBA) was by far my favorite activity in TPTE.  Not only was I to connect my technological knowledge of finding a website, but I had to make my own worksheet.  This activity showed me how to be creative when creating an assignment for my future classroom.  Of course I knew that there were standards that various classrooms used when assigning work, but this assignment allowed me to locate these standards.  By finding these standards and the textbook I acquired, I was easily guided into what to do for the IBA.  Although it did take me time to think of what to do for my IBA, the instructions were broad, but thorough enough for me to follow along.    If in the future, if I have to teach 3rd grade math, I will definitely use the worksheet I created for my IBA.

Here is a link to my IBA assignment:

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