Sunday, October 14, 2012

Google Docs

After discovering Google Docs, it is definitely hard for me to switch back to my normal Word documents on my computer.  Google Docs is a useful tool to cut down on the use of copying documents and sending them as attachments on email.  With using Google Docs, many users are allowed to collaborate on a single word document at the same time.  This cuts down on the confusion or sending emails and waiting on responses.  Think of Google Docs as an "chat room document".  It is very simple to use, and could be very useful in classrooms.  Although this tool is great and very useful, I seldom see a use for it for my future students.  Since I want to work with Elementary grades, this tool may be too complex for student to use on their own.  On the other hand, me as a teacher could use this to keep all of my assignments and worksheets online, and have them easily accessible.  Overall, I love Google Docs and I am amazed that I have went this long without using them!

Below is an example of how I used Google Docs to create a worksheet:

Here is a short video description of Google Docs:

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