Friday, October 5, 2012

Web 2.0: Glogster

For my Web 2.0 Project, my group was chosen to work on Glogster EDU.  A Glog, or graphics blog, is an interactive visual platform in which users create a “poster or web page” containing multimedia elements including: text, audio, video, images, graphics, drawings, and data.  Glogster is a useful tool in so many ways, especially for use in the classroom.  There are many strengths of this website, but most importantly it allows for the creativity of students as well as teachers.  Glogster allows users to create visual aides easily as well as making learning fun.

I really enjoyed using Glogster, although it did take a while to master the program.  When first using this program, it can be very overwhelming.  There are so many options a user can use to create their glog.  If used in a classroom, the teacher should have clear instructions and guidelines for the student to follow, otherwise the assignment can turn into a difficult one.  Creativity is greatly emphasized in this program, which allows any user to express themselves.

Although Glogster is a great tool, I don't see myself using this program often in my future classroom.   Since I want to work in the lower elementary grades, this tool seems a tad bit complex to let students on this age level to use.  If used, I would have to thoroughly guide the students through this activity.  On the other hand, as a teacher, I could use this activity to teach a lesson, much like the example I created.

You can view it here:

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