Monday, November 12, 2012

Digital Diagram

The Digital Diagram was one of my favorite projects in TPTE.  Not only was this project fairly simple, but it allows you to create a diagram on anything.  For this project, we used the Inspiration 9 software.  My project was focused around the "Important Holidays by Season" for a 2nd grade Social Studies lesson.  For each season, I listed three holidays in a "web" format.  This project was so simple and easy to figure out how to design a diagram.  You have the option to create a web, tree or map diagram.  From there, you can do many things with the diagram.  You can change the color, font and even make the bubbles turn to different shapes.  In my project, I decided to make my bubbles into shapes that matched the text (ex- Halloween=pumpkin).  After doing this, I made notes on the holidays so the students can read on a holiday they may not know about.  This project will definitely used in my future classroom.

Below is a picture of my diagram:

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