Friday, November 9, 2012

Interactive White Boards

After discovering the many uses of Interactive White Boards, I feel that they can be very useful inside the classroom.  Any lesson can be integrated with the use of an IWB.  The great thing about an IWB is that it incorporates white board, but adds and interactive component.  This essentially makes a "computer screen" large enough for the whole class to interact with.  Anything that can be done on a computer can be mirrored onto a large projection screen.  IWB's are a great way to get the whole class involved at the same time..  This setting makes a IWB perfect for elementary grades, as well as high school aged children.  Things that can be done with an IWB include: quizzes, teaching of lessons, and showing of photos, websites and music.  In the near future, I definitely hope that I have a IWB available for my future classroom!

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