Wednesday, November 28, 2012


For this course, we were required to create a website to display all of our projects completed for the semester.  I think that this is a great way to showcase the work that we have done throughout the semester.  This website is a perfect resource to use in my future classroom because of the various projects we have done throughout the semester.  I have not only learned how to use various tools, but I have learned how to apply them to future lessons that I can teach in my classroom.  Before taking this course, I had never created a website, so learning how to create one has been very eye opening.  I have learned how easily a website can be created and edited.  It is a great way to organize all of the information/projects I have, as well as inform my future students on what is going on.  Overall, I loved creating this website, and hope that I can use it in my future classroom.

Here is the link to my website:

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