Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wrapping up the Course

Taking TPTE 486 has been a very great and informational course.  Not only have I furthered my technological knowledge, but I have learned how to use tools that will be beneficial to my future classroom.  When first starting this class, I had hopes of learning about a lot of new tools that I can use in my future, and I have definitely learned a great deal.  Many of the programs we used in class, I had not previously heard of, so learning about them proved to be very helpful.  Before taking this class, I considered myself "tech-savvy" but I have seen that I still have a lot I can still learn about these programs.  We have learned about tools that cover a variety of topics, so it will be easy to use them in various subjects I may teach in the futures.  Many of the tools we have used are very simple to use and create artifacts.  They are great for both student and teacher use.  Overall, I am very satisfied with the amount of knowledge that I have gained from taking this course.  The artifacts that I have created in this course will definitely be used again in my near future!

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